Monday, August 22, 2005

Last week in C.R.

Well, I'm officially starting my last week here...lots of mixed feelings to say the least. But first, a quick Curri update -

1. Nick's favorite soda burned down. On Monday, the 15th, Mothers Day, the little soda and two other houses on the corner by the post office burned down. No one was hurt, thankfully, but there are just shells left of the houses....note that these were next to that other house that burned down earlier in the year (evidently because the owners were mixing up some drugs in the kitchen) Related incident? No one knows, but I doubt it's the fault of that lovely lady who cooks such great casados and gallo pinto.

2. Pasion de Gavilanes really is going to end in December. I almost don't want to watch it this week, knowing that I won't be seeing what happens to Juan, Oscar, and Franco...and without seeing the Franco-Sarita wedding (much less Juan & Norma) ...sigh...

Ok, back to those mixed feelings on leaving...

Saturday, Chris threw me a going away party...well, we didn't call it that, we just called it a party. I think it went smashingly....Lots people showed up to hang out, eat yucca balls, and dance salsa. It was Tomas the Canadian's last night in Costa Rica, so we celebrated for him too. I finally got to meet the famous and mysterious Paula. She's wonderful. Also, Cata and Emily stopped by on their way to Terra U., which made Chris deliriously happy because, as he pointed out 10 times, they were with us the night we first met! Those lucky lucky girls have until December when school ends (possibly longer, Cata?).

This week is filled with lasts... At some point I'll have to go to my last bagelmen's lunch, last meal at zucchero, last Pasion de Gavilanes episode, last trip to MultiPlaza, last cafecito with Yadi and Nora. You get the idea. Saturday Chris and his family are cooking me a goodbye dinner - his sister has even promised chicken lasagna. I'm really going to miss them. They've been so incredibly good to me; and abuelita is definitely irreplaceable. Not to mention Chris himself.

However, I am looking forward to going home. So much has been going on, and they're excited to see me in NJ (so I'm reminded whenever the fam calls to ensure that I am indeed going to get on the plane). I'll finally get to meet Gracie, the new pooch, who evidently now shakes paws. We'll see just how gorda Super the cat is (and how terrorized by Gracie!). I'll get to look through my closet at all my winter clothes (like Christmas without all the spending $). And I'll get to see my family!!!

I want some time in Cape May; I expect some lunches in Red Bank with mom and dad; I hope Abbey has a field hockey game while I'm home; and I'm looking forward to getting out to 'Nova for at least a day to catch up with profs, friends, and family.

So this may be the last post to my Costa Rica blog....I'll try to write one more, but no promises as I'm still functioning on tico time. But never fear, soon it'll be time to start up the England blog!!!

Hasta luego. Besos y abrazos.


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caitlin - Enjoy your last few days in Costa Rica. Can't wait to see you on Monday! Love, Mom


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