The Bus
Yes, I know, so many of my posts have to do with the bus. But the other day, I realized that the bus is a lot like my life. In fact, some days, the bus is my life. On Wednesday, I managed to snag the third Curri bus that went by and found a seat all to myself as I heard someone calling my name (well, more or less, considering it was a Tico trying to pronounce it). It was Ivan, the kid who works at the Internet near the Pica and who's Chileno's brother. We had a lovely chat, including that he had no idea that I wasn't still dating Arbol (Evidently this is top secret information...I have yet to find one of his friends who knows that we're not together), that the Pica is indeed re-opening, and that I never come to the internet anymore.
Then, someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind. It was Tio. Yes, you can stop laughing maniacally at this point. He was with his sister and two other women so for once he was not in the least creepy. He knew that Arbol and I were no longer seeing each other but didn't know why (naturally assumed it was my fault! Unfair!). He confirmed Friday (TODAY!) as the Pica re-opening date, informed me that Heiner is home for the weekend for his mom's birthday (he's managing a bar somewhere in Guanacaste), and that Kevin and Gato are going to throw a huge party soon (I better be invited!).
As I was talking to Tio, I glanced behind him and there was Justine! My lovely roommate had jumped on the bus at the outlet mall and not even seen me as she walked past! Not surprising as our general rule is not to make eye contact with anyone. Across the aisle from Justine was Dago, my old host dad! I figured that I had now seen someone from every social group I knew on the bus...and then two of the study abroad students climbed aboard!
Yes, I think just about the only person I didn't see on the bus was Carlitos. Of course, weird run-ins continnued for the rest of the week, (hopefully) ending today with my bumping into Chileno while on my morning run (ie jog of death).
This weekend should be nice and relaxing...I have to find my way over to Yamuni on Saturday to meet Chris for lunch after work. He says that I will absolutely be labelled a gringa forever if I take a cab instead of figuring out the buses. Nick is off exploring Talamanca with the study abroad kids and then hanging out in Cahuita, where hopefully I will be meeting him on Monday, when MEGAN and BETH come visit. They fly in Sunday night, and if the weather doesn't look rainy we'll head out to the Caribbean Monday.
Am starting my weekend a little early, going to bake cookies with Nora after doing some writing and visiting Hannia (it's host mom Friday!), cooking dinner with Chris, and then hopefully celebrating the re-opening of the old home away from home. Wish me luck.
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