It's a squirrel of my soul day
So, whenever I'm on the bus, I always think of amazingly profound wonderful things and then I tell myself to remember them so I can tell people, or put them here, but then I always forget.
However, several little things happened recently that I thought I should share (minus all the deep thoughts)
1. I saw the chef from the Pica. She was walking near the church as I was walking home from the bus (I had to take La Lia because the mean Curri driver wouldn't stop for me as usual...but that's a whole story in itself). Anyway, a moment of recognition passed between us. I wanted to thank her for making such amazing french fries and ask what she's been doing since the Pica closed, but I thought the fry comment might scare her, so I made do with a "Todo bien? Pura vida. Chao."
2. My real NJ family got a dog. Her name is Gracie - part pit bull, part border collie, part beagle. They still haven't sent me the pictures, but evidently she's cute. I've wanted a dog since poor Thatcher (a Brittany spaniel, may she rest in peace) was put down when I was 15. So, I congratulate Abbey on finally wearing down our parents and getting us a dog! Just think of it as an investment, mom, you'll no longer hear whining about bunnies, hamsters, or fish because we're all obsessed with the new puppy!
3. Related to puppy, we recently discovered that the Costa Rican soccer player known as "Poopy Lopez" is actually alled "Puppy Lopez." So, puppy said with a Costa Rican accent is pronounced poopy. Right. Still doesn't explain why his nickname is puppy...perhaps he has big eyes? or floppy ears?
Also, Nick has instituted theme song Tuesdays in the apartment (this week was Outkast's Hey ya!). At the playing of the song, all three of us must dance shamelessly around the apartment...I must say this week was a success, with us shaking it just like a polaroid picture. Because of Nick's genius suggestion, we gave him the first ever award on the award board (aka tabla de premios) - the Spirit Award. As soon as we find some, we'll be giving him a gold star to go along with the award.
Oh, and I got mail for the first time in a while (not counting contact solution sent by my mom). Kerry put a Valentines' Day message in the local paper for me (and one for Lynnie too). It was very exciting.
Today itself has already been very exciting...had lunch with Berni, Mari, and Miranda. Berni and Miranda told horror stories about monkeys, spiders, and butterflies (who's afraid of butterflies?). I love that I'm living in a country where normal family outings usually involve a run-in with wild monkeys.
Life is good. I leave you with my favorite quote, taken from the back of a bus seat...
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